Category: Photos
Hickory Controversy
I have recently become aware of a controversy within the hickory measurement community.
Atlanta’s Best Season
Autumn gets the glory and the cinnamon and nutmeg-flavored coffee drinks, but Atlanta’s best season is late winter. The mornings are cold, the afternoons are warm, the trees are naked.
Super Bowl el-vee-ay-ay-ay
I once met Bern Nadette Stanis on my lunch break
On April 17, 2017 I walked to lunch at Peachtree Center and Bern Nadette Stanis (aka Thelma from Good Times) was in the food court selling books and photos. $20 very well spent.
RIP: Oakhurst Cheeto?
(RIP = Restoration In Progress)
Shocking news from Oakhurst — a city crew is right now removing the Cheeto sculpture from Harmony Park. What’s going in its place? Something safer such as giant, spinning razor blades? Maybe a cauldron of molten iron?
I’ll always be grateful to the Cheeto. It taught me that my children’s bones are not as brittle as I feared.
UPDATE: It’s being removed for maintenance and will return soon.
Midspring Murders
Happy Nowruz
Happy Nowruz. Here’s the neighborhood pomegranate tree.
Some personal news
Frozen custard has long been a passion of mine — a passion I’m thrilled to soon share with Atlanta.